Dr. Johnson is the creator of two blogs: the first is "New Black Masculinities." He is the developer of the concept of Black Masculinism, and uses the site to delineate its meaning through reflections on current events.
The second blog is the Black Gnostic blog entitled, "Black Gnosticism, Media, and Reflections on Contemporary Blackness" contains ruminations on Black esoteric/metaphysical modes of knowing, consciousness, retained African knowledge systems, and the
divinity of the self.
Below are a shortlist of posts on both blogs listed chronologically. Feel free to comment on the blog site!
“Anti-Black Misandry: 9 Versions”
Posted on February 11, 2019
“Coach Keanan Lowe and
the Ignored Sacred Black Masculine”
Posted on October 28, 2019
Posted on January 6, 2019
"A 2013 Classic: A Black Masculinist Interview
of Delroy Lindo at Fresno State"
Posted on November 19, 2018
Posted on September 25, 2018
“Coogler’s Brilliant Black Panther?:
Africans, ADOS, Woke Black Women…
and Oh Yeah, Dying Black Men”
Posted on February 20, 2018
Posted on February 12, 2018
“Star Wars: The Last Jedi” or “When White Women Finally Get to Run the Sci-Fi Plantation”
Posted on December 19, 2017
Posted on September 21, 2017
"A Black Masculinist Review of ‘Hidden Figures’"
Posted on January 8, 2017
Posted on December 28, 2016
"Nate Parker, Nat Turner, and Nationalism(s): A Review of ‘Birth of A Nation’"
Posted on October 11, 2016
Posted on April 14, 2016
“Male Rape Information Sheet”
tabulated by T. Hasan Johnson, Ph.D.
Posted on February 24, 2016
Posted on January 14, 2016
I watched both films back to back, and left the theater more resolved about helping people have compassion for men.
Posted on December 14, 2015
“Let me tell you something. A man ain’t a goddamn ax. Chopping, hacking, busting every goddamn minute of the day. Things get to him. Things he can’t chop down because they’re inside.” – Toni Morrison, Beloved
Posted on January 11, 2016
An economy based on socialized losses and privatized gains must rely on the distraction of gladiatorial games to keep mass dissent at bay.
Posted on November 23, 2015
They’ve been targeted for erasure for a variety of reasons, most especially because Black alpha males are considered a threat…
Posted on October 20, 2015
I frequently read these articles (see below) that are targeted toward sisters to point out their struggles, but seldom see them written for black males. Whether to explain how widespread and systemic black male oppression is (or the telling difference in why our sister’s oppression is so different that they do not recognize ours); or to explain why even when you do have a graduate degree and a comparable job, you might still make less (and take longer) to reach financial parity with many sisters–only to STILL have her treat you like the social pariah who lives with his mother…
Posted on September 19, 2015
Today’s wave of radical activism was ultimately inspired by anti-Black male racism and Black male youth death, namely, Trayvon Martin, but the reality that brash confrontations with law enforcement could further expose already-vulnerable Black males further is not centered in the movement, and I find it concerning to say the least. And no, I don’t believe that Black women somehow aren’t risking their lives and their family’s welfare by standing up in pronounced numbers, but I do think our risk differs—and the data bears that out.
Posted: September 5, 2015
In recent years, assumptions of Black Male Privilege have permeated discussions about identity, power, and oppression in Black gender discourses. Hell, in my feminist classes throughout graduate school, the concept was all the rage, as was a healthy skepticism of empirical data. Data was “skewed,” “unreliable,” and “subject to manipulation,” but as much as it can be true that every pundit can spin data to suit their argument, I found out the hard way that so, too, is it true that ideology can be just as misguided and manipulated.
Posted: August 17, 2015
As defined by feminists, progressive masculinity generally refers to a practice that challenges systems of gendered, androcentric, patriarchal domination. Yet progressive masculinity as defined by Black Masculinists suggest that dominating others need not be a central feature of masculinity. In fact, it often has not been, historically, for shifting demographic populations of differently configured Black men...
Posted: July 20, 2015
I decided to write this piece because on an almost daily basis, I see Black males endure sexism, but because there is little vocabulary on what sexism looks like for them, it goes ignored. In fact, most people have no sense that it impacts Black males at all. More to the point, Black males…
Posted: November 14, 2014
Lecture given on November 13, 2014 at Fresno State…
Posted: November 11, 2014
I'm writing a book on Black men and masculinity, and I'd like your input. As some of you know, I'm a widower. I noticed after my wife died how much more difficult things became--but in a unique kind of way... People started to treat me more and more…
Posted: September 22, 2014
If you missed the debate on Janice Graham's Our Common Ground last night, then you missed a historic moment. Drs. Tommy J. Curry and David E. Ikard debated the concept of Black Male Feminism and assessed its potential, validity, and moral fortitude. More to the point, they discussed feminism's…
Posted: August 16, 2014
This shit is hard to write. Even as I read about the apparent suicide of one of my favorite actors and comedians, Robin Williams, I could only picture the recent killing of Mike Brown of Ferguson, MO. Robin Williams’ death impacted me because he was such a vibrant part of our media life for…
Posted: July 30, 2014
*New post-script at the very bottom. Stephen A. Smith's (pictured left in the video above) recent comments about women provoking their own domestic abuse in relationships represents men's inability to talk about gender. In essence, men have not developed a relationship with gender discourses…
Posted: June 28, 2014
These came to me in a recent meditation. They are like lenses you can use to see certain things more clearly. 1) Investment clarifies... If you want to clarify the nature of your relationship to something, it will undoubtedly require an investment of your…
Posted: May 31, 2014
“Men do not naturally, not love. They learn not to…” Matt Bomer as Felix Turner, The Normal Heart
Entitlement and Gender Discourse Inclusion
I wasn’t going to write about Santa Barbara because I can’t always keep up in this blog with world events, but when I saw that people were still discussing it I figured I’d respond. More than that, I really had some things to say that I’m not hearing discussed. But before I get started, I should say why I’m writing this article...
Posted: May 10, 2014
There’s been much ado lately about the missing 276 young women in Nigeria, and rightly so. The issues and challenges of girls and women are difficult in many contexts, but most especially in regions where imperialism and religious fundamentalism cross swords. In Nigeria, the rise of Boko Haram since 2009 (whose name means “Western education is forbidden” in the local Hausa language) as a terrorizing Islamic-Nationalist force...
Posted: April 19, 2014
Ok. I have no idea if this is one of those fake webpages where they make up stuff that isn’t true, but I thought it warranted a statement nonetheless…
Posted: March 23, 2014
I recently lectured in class about African enslavement and decided to include the Arab Slave Trade in Africa. I thought it important to address the role of African knowledge in the development of Europe, and the African relationship with Arabs was a useful jumping off point. Essentially, you can…
Posted: November 20, 2013
I will admit that I am happy to see a spate of Black films that provide a more pronounced display of progressiveness for Black men. It’s refreshing. I recognize that much of it has to do with how President Obama’s demeanor and measured confidence has fascinated a country that didn’t think that Black men possessed such capacity. Interest in Obama raises class and media-influenced issues around what is “real” Black masculinity (Byron Hurt deals with this brilliantly in the video below):
Posted: November 10, 2013
Scholar Athena Mutua wrote a book entitled Progressive Black Masculinities in 2006. The “new” in the title, and in this blog, might be a bit misleading. The new refers to its contrast with previously heralded masculinities, yet it does not mean that there haven’t been progressive men in the past. Mostly, the shift in our preference for a less domineering style of masculinity has been in response to advances in technologies and activism.
Posted: November 4, 2013
Last week I watched the beginning of the new season of TV One’s Unsung, starring rapper Heavy D. I was happy to watch it, and glad to learn more about this brother that I’ve always felt a kinship with but didn’t know why…
Posted: November 3, 2013
My students have gotten me into watching American Horror Story: Coven this season. Although it's only in the third or so episode, I must admit it's intriguing. It's entertaining...and it deals with the occult. Okay, to be honest, it sensationalizes the occult. One thing I like is Angela Basset's…
Posted: April 1, 2013
Ok. I, as with many of you, watched Charlton Heston's The Ten Commandments and the Easter tradition of Jesus of Nazareth every year from my childhood on. I even watched it after I began reading books like The Autobiography of Malcolm X as reported to Alex Haley and Chancellor's Williams'…
Posted: August 16, 2011
I have not written for this blog in quite a while. My wife Desiree Lowe-Johnson passed away in 2009 and I have been…in meditation ever since. I have come to understand some things as a result, but offer no absolutes or edicts for any to follow. I can, however, share some observations…some revelations I’ve had.